The Tammabukku Chronicles Wiki

Cecilia Ley is the female protagonist of "Serch Bythol". She is the daughter of Occultist Nathaniel Ley, and Anne Prescott Ley. Cecilia is possessed of great occult powers but only uses them when she feels she has to. Cecilia has a close relationship with both her parents, but she is the apple of her father's eye. Nathaniel Ley believes her gift will catapult the work of him and his partner, Ambrose de Ripariis, through the stratosphere.

Cecilia meets Daniel Orlov at the age of six, and the two children experience a powerful déjà vu and become inseparable. Shortly before Cecilia's fifteenth birthday, she and Daniel become secretly engaged. Not wanting to go behind Nathaniel's back and elope, Daniel and Cecilia try many times to gain Nathaniel's permission to marry when Cecilia turns sixteen. Their efforts are to no avail. Cecilia's fiery dimension comes out in increasingly contentious exchanges with her father.

Cecilia is strong-willed, romantic, intellectual and independent. She wants to become a novelist in the style of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. She is a passionate and devoted girlfriend, a loving daughter, and a loyal friend. She is ahead of her time in her thinking on almost every subject.

Besides her immediate family and Daniel, the closest people in her life are her godfather Ambrose and her cousin, Rose Gibbons, who is her dearest female friend.
